Masonic Centre Initiative


Masonic Centres are key to the future of the Craft. A well run centre will be inviting, and brethren will be pleased to take their friends and family to the building on social or other occasions; and be happy to dine after meetings in a convivial atmosphere. A well-managed Masonic building will ensure that Lodge subscriptions are competitive/affordable, which may involve maximising external income; and that pricing (and pricing structure) will take into account the impact on individual Lodges and membership.

Despite the importance of the running and management of our Masonic Centres, the Province and, indeed, Grand Lodge, have no jurisdiction over their future.

Masonic Centres may be owned by a Lodge or Group of Lodges, a trust structure or a company controlled by a Lodge or Group of Lodges, and  sometimes the management of the Masonic Centre is separated from the ownership. The Owners/Managers (Owners) are very often enthusiastic
amateurs, doing the best they can with limited knowledge; and perhaps obtaining “advice” cheaply, or free, from interested friends or Masons keen to help.

Provinces cannot interfere with the ownership of Masonic Centres, nor would they wish to do so. However, the importance of centres is such that the Province has a responsibility to do what it can to ensure that they satisfy the needs of the Lodges and brethren – and in this connection “needs”
refers not only to financial matters but also the development of the Craft; brethren enjoying their Freemasonry, involving their friends and family, at a reasonable cost.


Masonic Centres Officer

The Masonic Centres Officer for the Province of West Wales is W Bro Andrew Morgan:

Tel:  01570 423623

Mob: 07971 803520

Guide for Masonic Centres
Everything you need to know about running a masonic centre and much more besides.
Adobe Acrobat document [13.4 MB]
Masonic Centre Review Form - pdf version
A handy review form for use in masonic centres
Adobe Acrobat document [1.5 MB]
Masonic Centre Review Form - word version
A handy review form for use in masonic centres
Microsoft Word document [429.5 KB]
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