Cambrian Lodge Installation

Pictured: Adam Hoyle, Gwili Owens, Mark Rhys-Owens and David Hoyle


At the recent installation ceremony of Cambrian Lodge No 464, Assistant Provincial Grand Master W. Bro. Michael Eckley presented the newly installed Master W. Bro. Gwili Owens with the Bronze medal to recognise the progress that the lodge has made to date against the 2026 festival target, the lodge having raised 80% of the total to date, with over two years to go.


The February installation meeting of the Lodge was a family affair with Gwili Owens being installed into the chair of King Solomon just 7 years after his father W. Bro. Mark Rhys-Owens. Mark was obviously a proud father as he presented his son for installation. He is the third generation to take the chair of the Lodge in recent years, as (the late) W. Bro. Don Owens (Gwili’s grandfather), was installed into the chair in 2001.


Due to a change in procedure when completing the Honours Board i.e. instead of just writing the name once and writing the years served by the side of the name, recently the Lodge decided that the name would be written twice if the master served two consecutive terms. This quirk of fate now means that next year when his name appears on the honours board it will be next to that of his grandfather.


With W. Bro. Gwili to support him at his installation were his identical twin uncles, W. Bro. Adam Hoyle, and Bro. David Hoyle of the Wenallt Lodge 9082 in South Wales.

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