The Aim of the Provincial Grand Almoner

Is to use his best endeavours to assist members of the province and or their dependants who are experiencing problems, whether it is financial distress or to assist with the acquisition of medical treatment or respite care.

The Provincial Almoner also assists in affording help to the Provincial Grand Almoners of other Provinces by conducting Visiting Brother/Case Almoner Duties in respect of their Brethren/Dependants who reside in West Wales.

The Role of the Lodge Almoner

It is a job that requires a bit of common sense and bit of independence. It is for somebody who has made the grade and would like to get on with what is important in Freemasonry, caring for and helping a less fortunate Brother, his widow or his dependants.
The office is one that benefits from continuity and it is suggested that a term of five years minimum is appropriate.  Ideally, they should live local to most of the brethren and the heart of the Lodge.

The Almoner’s duties may be summarised as follows:

  • To maintain regular contact with all sick or distressed Lodge members.
  • To maintain regular contact with Lodge widows.
  • To make immediate contact with the family of a recently deceased brother.
  • To Informing the Lodge Brethren of funeral arrangements of a deceased brother or Lodge Widow and to make sure that the Lodge is represented.
  • To make welcome all new members in conjunction with the Proposer, Seconder and Lodge Mentor.
  • To report to all the members of the Lodge in person at each Lodge meeting on all the above matters, while still preserving due confidentiality.

In addition to the above, a good Almoner will also make himself aware of happier events such as birthdays, births, silver and golden weddings so that the Lodge can send appropriate greetings.

Finally, He should never feel alone in his work and ideally have an assistant. If this is not possible he should not hesitate to seek assistance from other members when required.


John Watson
Provincial Grand Almoner

Almoner Instruction Letter
A letter from VW Bro Dr David Staples containing instructions about Data Protection for Lodge Almoners - March 2020
Almoner Instruction Letter - March 2020.[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [356.0 KB]
Almoner FAQ's
FAQ's about Data Protection for Lodge Almoners - March 2020
Almoner FAQs.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [476.1 KB]
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