St Peter's Lodge - Four Lewises

Pictured L. to R. Ian Saunders, Richard Domoney Saunders, Matt & Ray Selby, Bill Hurst (W.M.), Ryland James (D.P.G.M.), Neil & Matthew James and Andrew & Rhys Thomas


St Peter’s Lodge No. 476, meeting at Carmarthen, have, for several years, enjoyed witnessing a father and son climb the various offices towards the Chair of the Lodge. The Senior Warden is currently Bro. Matt Selby, and he is followed closely by his father, Bro. Ray Selby, as the current Junior Warden. The brethren look forward to the 2025 installation meeting when it is anticipated that son, Matt, will be installing his father, Ray, into the Chair. We are sure that will be a memorable day for all.

Recent initiations have, however, now increased the number of father/son parings four-fold.


Early in 2023, Bro. Richard Domoney-Saunders was initiated into the lodge, only to be joined later in the year by his father, W. Bro. Ian Saunders. W. Bro. Ian had been a London Mason (Hale End No 4183) for some twenty years but had recently retired and relocated to West Wales. It was only natural therefore that he chose his son’s Lodge to continue his Masonry by becoming a joining member. Bro. Richard has shown a keen interest in Masonry and is already the current Inner Guard.


In February of this year, Bro. Neil James, who had been a member of St Peter’s Lodge since 2018, saw his son, Matthew, initiated into the lodge. Matthew had accompanied his father to several social events held by the lodge and was already well known to many of the brethren.


During 2023, Bro. Andrew Thomas relocated from Gloucester (Edenwall Lodge No 9478) to retire in West Wales and joined St Peters Lodge. When his son, Matthew showed interest in his dad’s involvement, he too was invited to join and was initiated into St Peter’s Lodge at their recent March meeting.

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