W.Bro. Ryland James (Dep. PGM) receives the cheque from W.Bro. John Duggan (W.M.)
On Thursday, 24th February 2022, W.Bro. John Duggan the worshipful master of the St Teilo Lodge No. 4755 was very pleased to be able to present a cheque for £500 to W.Bro. Ryland James for the benefit of the West Wales Festival Fund 2026.
W.Bro. Ryland was in Llanelli on the occasion of him being made an Honorary member of the Lodge. W.Bro. Ryland said he was pleased to receive the cheque as the Festival Chairman and would ensure it went via the proper channels to benefit St Teilo’s target.
Lodge Charity Steward and Festival Steward W.Bro. Keith Eckley commented that this amount was over and above the regular payment promises for the Lodge which, go directly to the Festival Charity Chest, and this amount equates to a member making a £10 payment promise fo 50 months, thus ensuring that the Lodge’s target would become more accessible.