Following the Provincial Church Service on Sunday 14th May, 2023, the Head of West Wales Freemasons R.W. Bro. James Ross would like to thank everybody who atttended to support him on this very special day in the Masonic year.
The Province would like to thank St Mary's Church in Tenby for hosting the event this year and would also like to thank the brethren of Tenby Lodge (and their wives) for providing refreshments following the service.
The sun was shining on the event (we would expect nothing less from Tenby as we used to be reminded on a regular basis).
The service was led by the Provincial Grand Chaplain Rev. Aled Lewis who officiated with his very natural but sincere manner. He was assisted on this occassion by Rev. Lynn Rees a new initiate into the fratenity.
Your next chance to support the Provincial Grand Master is at the Provincial meeting in Lampeter at the end of June.