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A Very Warm Welcome and Invitation from James Ross. Head of West Wales Freemasons

"We are a unique members’ organisation which has thrived for over 300 years. Having no political or religious affiliations, we comprise members of all ages, races, religions, cultures and backgrounds. We gather in our individual Lodges throughout the country where we have ceremonial traditions which encourage us both to be more tolerant and respectful and actively to fulfil our civic and charitable responsibilities; we also make time to eat, drink and meet together, and form lifelong friendships.”

 I hope you enjoy reading about Freemasonry in general and the Province of West Wales in particular. I also hope that the information you find on the website will further stimulate your interest in our organisation and you are cordially invited to make contact with us should you wish to find out a little more. I extend warmest greetings to all our visitors.


About the Freemasons of West Wales

The Province of West Wales covers Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire and Ceredigion. There are 27 individual lodges with a total of 1200 members. Most major towns in the Province have at least one lodge.

West Wales Facebook Page - click on the image below

Provincial Newsletter


The Province sends out a monthly newsletter which contains news and useful information for the Masonic Community in West Wales and beyond, but you don't have to be a Freemason to receive all the news from West Wales. You can add your name to the mailing list by filling in the form below. Why not click here and have a look at the most recent edition?

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