St John's Ambulance Dedication


The dedication of a brand-new St John’s ambulance took place at a well-attended ceremony at St David’s Cathedral on October 19th.


The fully equipped ambulance replaces one used in Ceredigion that was damaged beyond repair by a falling tree, following which the Provincial Grand Master was approached by St John’s senior officers who asked if the Freemasons of West Wales could offer any financial assistance toward the purchase of a new vehicle, the cost of which being around £85,000.

It was subsequently agreed that a donation of £7,500 from the West Wales Grand Charity would be matched by the Masonic Charitable Foundation, making a generous total contribution of £15,000.


While several charities including the Gosling Foundation had also made significant donations, the honour of presenting the new ambulance to St John’s Chief Commissioner Richard Paskell at the Dedication ceremony was accorded to V.W. Bro. Ryland James who represented the Province at the ceremony, accompanied by M.C.A Treasurer & Secretary W.Bro. Steve Thurgood.  Both the Prior for Wales Paul Griffiths and the Chief Commissioner expressed their sincere thanks to V.W. Bro. Ryland for the great support received from our Province and the M.C.F.


Ryland and Steve were shown the state-of-the-art equipment on board the ambulance, which bears the M.C.F logo and the words, “West Wales Masons’ at the front of the vehicle. Steve offered a box of TLC teddies to further equip the ambulance when treating sick or injured children.


The Dedication ceremony was preceded by the Installation in the Cathedral of the Bailiff of St David’s of the Priory for Wales, as well as the investiture of other officers of The Order and the presentation of long service awards. A musical interlude was provided by Cor Meibion Morlais. It was a colourful ceremony in a wonderful location.


St John’s Ambulance Cymru was established in 1918 and operate under the banner of the Priory of the Order of St John.

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