The meeting is exclusively for Light Blue Freemasons (including Entered Apprentices & Fellow Craft) who have not yet been appointed to Provincial Rank. This is a fantastic opportunity to visit Freemason’s Hall and experience the splendour and theatre of a full Grand Temple Ceremony in the presence of the Pro Grand Master and his team of Officers which will include our own Provincial Grand Master, as well many other Provincial Grand Masters.
You will be able to explore the building including it’s impressive museum and enjoy the social aspects of Freemasonry in the company of other ‘Light Blue’ Brethren.
A £15 attendance fee covers a light lunch and two drinks (bottlled beer or soft drinks). A High Ruler will join each Province grouping during the light lunch which will be hosted by our Provincial Grand Master. You will then be able to join other members for informal drinks in the bar from 7pm. Cash bars will remain open throughout the afternoon.
Our Province plans to book rooms at a convenient London hotel on the Friday and Saturday nights for all those from West Wales who wish to attend, an estimate of the accommodation cost is £100 for the two nights for those who wish to share a room and £200 for those who would prefer a room for themselves, or wish to bring a wife or partner and make a weekend of it.
You will be expected to organise your own transport.
Could those Brethren who are interested in attending please email their interest to the Provincial Grand Mentor via the email address below.
Please mark the Subject box - London Light Blue QC and state your Name, Lodge and whether you would prefer a twin room to share with a brother, single occupancy or a double hotel room if bringing
your wife or partner. If you want to share with a particular brother, or you're bringing your wife or partner, please include their name too.